Friday 2 January 2015

My Books

I am the author of Lessons from a Two Year Old, A Painted Room and Wings. My books can be purchased in paperback or as eBooks through my publisher, 5 Prince Publishing, or your favourite retailer such as Amazon, iTunes or Barnes & Noble.

Lessons from a Two Year Old is my newest release, published in November, 2014. Johnny, an IT geek still lives at home with his parents. When his brother and sister-in-law help a sick friend, he gets coerced into babysitting his two year old niece, Zoe, on a weekly basis. Johnny reluctantly takes on the challenge with humourous and often near-disastrous results. Over time, Zoe's independence-seeking and outgoing personality inspires Johnny to try to improve his health, his fashion sense and even his love life. However, after a couple of setbacks, Johnny wonders if it is worth the effort and retreats to his former habits. Can Zoe show him the way to true love?

A Painted Room was published in August, 2014. It follows Gary and Melinda, the parents of a new-born baby, whose world is turned upside down when their son is found to be suffering from a life-threatening lung condition. How will they cope when the best day of their life turns into the worst?

The second edition of Wings was published in January 2015. Wings tells the story of Walt and his grandson Scott, who both have a fierce longing to fly albeit in vastly different circumstances.

Walt - who grew up in the depression - found out first hand that becoming a pilot takes sacrifice and tenacity. When World War II broke out he pestered the RAF for eighteen months before they finally accepted him. At that point he was given forty eight hours leave to marry his sweetheart and then sent overseas for twelve months of training before returning for operational flying.

Scott spent his childhood listening to tales of his Grandfather's aerial exploits and developed an intense craving to be a pilot. He gave up education, financial security and a possible career to follow his dream. However, the number of people wanting to be a pilot vastly outweighs the limited opportunities on offer.

Wings weaves together two tales: one set in war-torn northern England, and the other set in the modern-day Illawarra region of New South Wales. As Scott learns about the sacrifices and difficulties Walt overcame to take to the sky, he battles his own challenges in order to follow his dream. As Scott progresses, his grandfather declines - Walt loses his wife, his sight and his hearing - but throughout these difficulties is still there to offer support and encouragement. In following Scott's progress towards his dream, Walt also keeps alive the wonder of his own youth. With insights into the modern day aviation scene and life in the Royal Air Force of World War II, this is a must for anyone who has an interest in history, aviation or simply an old fashioned love story.

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